The new ‘E’ in SEO Town | E-E.A.T

06 April 2023

Have you ever booked a Hotel, chosen from beautiful pictures online of happy holidayers with sun-kissed skin… then arrived to realise those were stock images and the Hotel is infact, NOT what you were wanting?

Well, Google searches can be very much the same thing. How do you know the content you’re using to answer your questions is trustworthy? How do you know the content is made by experts in those fields?

Enter Google E.A.T – Quality Rater Guidelines that the search engine uses to assess the: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of its sources. If you are understood to be E.A.T, then ultimately Google will rank your website higher. And we ALL know the value of good rankings, when 75% of internet users don’t go beyond page 1 of results on Google…

No more Hotel booking nightmares or wasted time researching topics online from non-experts… so, we’re going to break down E.A.T and its new addition as of Dec 2022 – E: Experience.



Many creators are familiar with the concept of E-A-T, which is used in how we evaluate if our search ranking systems are providing helpful, relevant information. Would ordinary people feel the results they get demonstrate E-A-T, that is: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness?

E-E-A-T — or "Double-E-A-T," if you prefer, is now part of the updated search rater guidelines we've just released."



To better assess the quality of content, Google’s E.A.T is gaining a new E for Experience. And this is all about encouraging content that is produced with some degree of experience. In other words, if you’re looking for content about PPC Advertising (Hello!) or SEO trends (Welcome!) then you would want to get advice from an author with some degree of PPC or SEO experience. Otherwise, how are you to assess the authenticity of that information and its accuracy.

If Google recognises you as an SEO expert however, and you write a piece on Healthcare… then it will recognise that the quality of that content is undermined without that first-world experience in Healthcare.

Makes sense, right?



With E.A.T having been around for some time now, it is no doubt a key part of your content optimisation strategy, but with regards to the new E.E.A.T; it means more businesses and more websites need to take a closer look at not just who their content creators are, but what topics they’re focusing on. Because as always, Google is watching!

“You'll also see clearer guidance throughout the guidelines underscoring the importance of content created to be original and helpful for people, and explaining that helpful information can come in a variety of different formats and from a range of sources.

These are not fundamentally new ideas. And we're by no means abandoning the fundamental principle that Search seeks to surface reliable information, especially on topics where information quality is critically important. Rather, we hope these updates better capture the nuances of how people look for information and the diversity of quality information that exists in the world.” (Google)


Remember, SEO is all about making smart choices to make incremental improvements over time. It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you stick to these Google guidelines and work with experts like ours with technical experience, you will in time dominate in the SERPs.

Loud Mouth Media are a multi-award winning Digital Performance Agency, so if you’re looking to generate growth online or maximise your brand reach by improving organic rankings – make sure to get in touch with our expert talent today.